Palpitations are a difficult area to cover as there are so many potential ECG abnormalities, and so much detail you could go into about treating them. Luckily, EnlightenMe again comes to the rescue for the generic areas. We'll cover each common abnormality in a bit more detail eventually!
Palpitations have an underlying cardiac cause in 43%, are due to anxiety in 31% and have no specific attributable cause in 16% of patients. Worryingly, they're more likely to have a "proper" cause if they occur at work, whilst sleeping, or in the presence of known cardiac disease!
Focused History:
Establish the presence of symptoms which may indicate an underlying cause:
Chest pain (in the absence of or preceding palpitations)
Abdominal pain
Heat intolerance
Weight change
Productive cough
History of structural heart disease
Family history of sudden cardiac death
Electrolyte measurement (potassium, calcium and magnesium)
Management after rhythm or rate control
Admit if:
At risk of life threatening arrhythmia e.g. those with a previously recorded episode of VT
Adverse symptoms or signs during the palpitations.
Implanted cardiac devices suspected of malfunction.
Family history of sudden death (eg, Brugada Syndrome).
Require admission for investigation or treatment of an underlying cause or illness
No protocols for follow up
Friday, 28 February 2014
"Understand pacemakers and their failure" - what a broad statement to put in a syllabus. Luckily, some excellent resources exist to help us to do just that. The best resource has to be from EnlightenMe (especially good as that's for EM docs anyway).
BMJLearning - nothing - nothing
2nd letter: the chamber sensed: again, A,V, D, or very occasionally, neither (O)
3rd letter: the way in which the signals determine the activity of the pacemaker itself: I(nhibited), T(riggered), or D(ual). The differences between these are not relevant here.
Common modes of pacing are
- VVI: a single lead to the RV provides both sensing information and pacing
- DDD: leads are positioned in both the RA and RV, and can both sense and pace
Pacemaker problems
Device failure: failure to sense and/or pace appropriately. Don't be mislead by hysteresis. Consider a patient with a pacemaker and a lower acceptable heart rate of 50/min would start pacing as soon as the intrinsic rate fell to 49/min. Hysteresis is the separation of the lower pacing rate from the lower sensing rate. meaning that the device will pace at 50/min, but only when the intrinsic rate drops to, for example, 40/min. It is easy to see why this might give the impression that the device has malfunctioned, if the patient’s own rate is perhaps 42/min, but the pacemaker has not stepped in.
Lead failure: in the immediate post-implant period the leads may displace which might be quite subtle. Displacement can cause "Twiddler's Syndrome" where the patient manipulates the pulse generator, the pacemaker rotates and the leads dislodge. This can cause diaphragmatic or brachial plexus pacing!
Pocket problems: the pacemaker is implanted in a pocket in the deep issues of the chest. This may get infected. Antibiotics may help but the pacemaker may need changing.
Delivered shock therapy whilst conscious
- Was this appropriate (for VF/untreated VT), or inappropriate (usually due to misidentification of the rhythm, or “noise” artifact secondary to lead fracture).
Clinical assessment within the ED will include the following:
Check syncope is really due to a cardiac cause. Remember:
Chest pain, palpitations and dyspnoea may all be seen in ICD patients attending the ED, either from the underlying cardiac condition, or as a manifestation of issues around therapy from the device. In general, these should be approached as they would for any other patient.
Palliative PatientsIf possible, reprogramme the ICD with the tachyarrhythmia therapy disabled. If this isn't possible, tape an external magnet above the device.
Pacemakers don't keep dying patients alive as terminal events are normally associated with such a sick myocardium that the patient doesn't respond to the pacemaker.
If the patient is not imminently going to die, don't automatically switch off the pacemaker as you may cause symptomatic bradycardia and heart failure.
BMJLearning - nothing - nothing
There are lots of different types of pacemakers, and these are catagorised using "NGB codes". The code should be in the patient's passport. This NGB code explains which chambers of the right heart are involved, as
well as the way in which the device interprets electrical signals.
Modern pacemakers are able to recognise intrinsic depolarisations
(“sensing”) and provide artificial stimuli (“pacing”).
1st letter: the chamber paced: A(trium), V(entricle), or D(ual)2nd letter: the chamber sensed: again, A,V, D, or very occasionally, neither (O)
3rd letter: the way in which the signals determine the activity of the pacemaker itself: I(nhibited), T(riggered), or D(ual). The differences between these are not relevant here.
Common modes of pacing are
- VVI: a single lead to the RV provides both sensing information and pacing
- DDD: leads are positioned in both the RA and RV, and can both sense and pace
Pacemaker problems
Device failure: failure to sense and/or pace appropriately. Don't be mislead by hysteresis. Consider a patient with a pacemaker and a lower acceptable heart rate of 50/min would start pacing as soon as the intrinsic rate fell to 49/min. Hysteresis is the separation of the lower pacing rate from the lower sensing rate. meaning that the device will pace at 50/min, but only when the intrinsic rate drops to, for example, 40/min. It is easy to see why this might give the impression that the device has malfunctioned, if the patient’s own rate is perhaps 42/min, but the pacemaker has not stepped in.
Lead failure: in the immediate post-implant period the leads may displace which might be quite subtle. Displacement can cause "Twiddler's Syndrome" where the patient manipulates the pulse generator, the pacemaker rotates and the leads dislodge. This can cause diaphragmatic or brachial plexus pacing!
Pocket problems: the pacemaker is implanted in a pocket in the deep issues of the chest. This may get infected. Antibiotics may help but the pacemaker may need changing.
What device is implanted, and when?
How is the device set up, in terms of mode and rate etc.?
What is the patient’s own intrinsic rhythm and rate?
Is there evidence of appropriate pacing activity on the surface ECG?
Is there evidence of appropriate sensing on the surface ECG?
If no to 4 and 5, is there evidence of inappropriate pacing/sensing?
Is there any evidence of a mechanical complication, i.e., lead displacement, fracture etc.?
- Is there evidence of a local complication such as infection
Delivered shock therapy whilst conscious
- Was this appropriate (for VF/untreated VT), or inappropriate (usually due to misidentification of the rhythm, or “noise” artifact secondary to lead fracture).
Clinical assessment within the ED will include the following:
- Check electrolytes, especially magnesium and potassium
- Look for myocardial ischaemia - if in doubt, treat as ACS
Look for lead fracture: a plain chest x-ray is helpful
A patient who is well, with a stable rhythm, and who has had a very limited number of shocks, does not necessarily require admission and can be discharged with next day follow up.
Check syncope is really due to a cardiac cause. Remember:
- Sustained bradycardia is unlikely if the ICD has pacing functions, but is possible if there is any evidence suggestive of pacemaker failure
- VF will rapidly lead to loss of consciousness.
- Patients who have had sustained VT may or may not be aware of palpitations immediately beforehand, and there is often a degree of retrograde amnesia following a shock / collapse; a normal ECG at presentation does not exclude this as a cause
Chest pain, palpitations and dyspnoea may all be seen in ICD patients attending the ED, either from the underlying cardiac condition, or as a manifestation of issues around therapy from the device. In general, these should be approached as they would for any other patient.
Palliative PatientsIf possible, reprogramme the ICD with the tachyarrhythmia therapy disabled. If this isn't possible, tape an external magnet above the device.
Pacemakers don't keep dying patients alive as terminal events are normally associated with such a sick myocardium that the patient doesn't respond to the pacemaker.
If the patient is not imminently going to die, don't automatically switch off the pacemaker as you may cause symptomatic bradycardia and heart failure.
For some reason every patient that comes in through our doors gets their phosphate measured on arrival (and troponin and d-dimer but that's another story). We seem to admit many patients for IV phosphate replacement - which seems wrong to me, as I remember an endocrinologist telling me that phosphate levels vary on a day to day basis.
Like everything else biochemical, phosphate metabolism is very complicated. Measured phosphate levels do not accurately reflect body phosphate levels, but critically ill patients are more likely to have low phosphate levels. Low levels can also follow glucose overload and trauma. Many of our patients do have low phosphate levels - 20% to 80% of patients who present to the ED with alcoholic emergencies, diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), and sepsis are hypophosphataemic.
Parathyroid Hormone
Increases in PTH cause an increase in phosphate and calcium release from bone, but increase excretion in the kidney by inhibiting reabsorption in the proximal tubule.
Vitamin D
Increases absorption of Ca2+ and phosphate
Hypophosphataemia often follows glucose overload and trauma.
Extreme hyperventilation in normal subjects can lower serum phosphate concentrations to below 1.0 mg/dL (0.32 mmol/L), and it is probably the most common cause of marked hypophosphatemia in hospitalized patients.
Signs and Symptoms
Low phosphate levels are normally asymptomatic.
It can cause weakness but whether this is due to the cause of the low phosphate levels or the low phosphate level itself is not known. You should be suspicious of the potential presence of hypophosphataemia in conditions that commonly cause hypophosphataemia - poor nutrition, antacid use, copd, asthma, bone pain or fractures, burns, treatment of DKA in ICU.
Severe acute hypophosphatemia can have a variety of signs, including disorientation, seizures, focal neurologic findings, evidence of heart failure, and muscle pain.
Diagnosis is biochemical:
MILD – 0.65-0.8
MODERATE – 0.32-0.65
SEVERE – actions on intestine, kidneys and bone
Treatment is typically directed at correcting the underlying disease rather than administering phosphate. I can't find any clear guidelines on when to replace phosphate - but generally it should be replaced if the level is very low, or causing symptoms (what ever these may be).
One site recommends that phosphate therapy is started in the ED for serum levels between 1.0 to 1.5
mg/dL, particularly in patients with chronic disease because these patients are at risk for progressing to severe hypophosphatemia. This can be safely accomplished by oral administration.
So does this help me when I get low phosphate levels? I think I'll just have to look hard for a cause (normally apparent) and treat the cause not the biochemistry. Long term...lets stop measuring it?
Like everything else biochemical, phosphate metabolism is very complicated. Measured phosphate levels do not accurately reflect body phosphate levels, but critically ill patients are more likely to have low phosphate levels. Low levels can also follow glucose overload and trauma. Many of our patients do have low phosphate levels - 20% to 80% of patients who present to the ED with alcoholic emergencies, diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), and sepsis are hypophosphataemic.
Parathyroid Hormone
Increases in PTH cause an increase in phosphate and calcium release from bone, but increase excretion in the kidney by inhibiting reabsorption in the proximal tubule.
Vitamin D
Increases absorption of Ca2+ and phosphate
Hypophosphataemia often follows glucose overload and trauma.
Extreme hyperventilation in normal subjects can lower serum phosphate concentrations to below 1.0 mg/dL (0.32 mmol/L), and it is probably the most common cause of marked hypophosphatemia in hospitalized patients.
Signs and Symptoms
Low phosphate levels are normally asymptomatic.
It can cause weakness but whether this is due to the cause of the low phosphate levels or the low phosphate level itself is not known. You should be suspicious of the potential presence of hypophosphataemia in conditions that commonly cause hypophosphataemia - poor nutrition, antacid use, copd, asthma, bone pain or fractures, burns, treatment of DKA in ICU.
Severe acute hypophosphatemia can have a variety of signs, including disorientation, seizures, focal neurologic findings, evidence of heart failure, and muscle pain.

Diagnosis is biochemical:
MILD – 0.65-0.8
MODERATE – 0.32-0.65
SEVERE – actions on intestine, kidneys and bone
Treatment is typically directed at correcting the underlying disease rather than administering phosphate. I can't find any clear guidelines on when to replace phosphate - but generally it should be replaced if the level is very low, or causing symptoms (what ever these may be).
One site recommends that phosphate therapy is started in the ED for serum levels between 1.0 to 1.5
mg/dL, particularly in patients with chronic disease because these patients are at risk for progressing to severe hypophosphatemia. This can be safely accomplished by oral administration.
So does this help me when I get low phosphate levels? I think I'll just have to look hard for a cause (normally apparent) and treat the cause not the biochemistry. Long term...lets stop measuring it?
Saturday, 22 February 2014
Syncope Overview and the ECG in the Athlete
My attempt to cover all of the curriculum in ST4/ST5, ready to revise in ST6 is doomed to failure. I'm going to set myself the target of the compulsory topics by the end of ST4- that's a bit more achievable. I'll hope to do more than just compulsory. Luckily, HAP5 is one of the ST4 topics!
HAP 5 - revisit CAP32, CAP25, CAP5
BMJ Learning
ECG interpretation in athletes
Abnormal ECG findings in athletes
Normal ECGs in athletes
ECGs in Athletes
ECG in a Marathon Runner
Junctional (nodal) rhythm: QRS rate is faster than the resting P wave rate which is slowed in athletes due to increased vagal tone. This is normal in a trained athlete.
Premature Ventricular Contractions: LBBB morphology suggests an origin from the right ventricle. The presence of 2 or more PVCs on a 10 second tracing is abnormal and requires additional testing.
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy:
Sokolow-Lyon voltage criterion: sum of the S wave in V1 and the R wave in V5 or V6 (using the largest R wave) as >3.5 mV (35 small squares with a standard amplification of the ECG at 10 mm/1 mV).
LVH in athletes is normal but other features in conjunction with it, like left atrial enlargement, left axis deviation, ST segment depression, T wave inversion, or pathologic Q waves, should raise the possibility of pathologic LVH and should prompt further evaluation.
Incomplete Right Bundle Branch Block: rSR’ pattern in V1 with QRS duration <120 ms is commonly present in athletes (12-32%.
May be easily confused with a Brugada pattern.
Early Repolarisation: 35-91% of trained athletes and is more prevalent in young males and black/Afro-Caribbean individuals. Late QRS slurring or notching with horizontal ST segment elevation in the inferolateral leads has been associated with an increased risk of arrhythmic death in one study of middle aged, non-athletic Finnish citizens. However, a significant percentage of young competitive athletes (25-30%) show early repolarisation with similar morphologic features in either the inferior or lateral leads.
1. Bazett’s heart rate correction formula
(QTc = QT/√RR; note the RR interval is measured in seconds).
2. Bazett’s formula loses accuracy at slow heart rates and can underestimate the individual’s inherent QTc at heart rates <60 bpm, especially at heart rates <50 bpm.
3. In sinus arrhythmia calculate an average QT interval.
4. Identifying the end of the T wave properly.
5. It is incorrect to include the commonly seen low amplitude U wave in the QT calculation. Such U wave inclusion will inflate greatly the QTc. Instead, follow the “Teach-the-Tangent” or “Avoid-the-Tail” method as shown in Figure 4.

6. The morphology of the T waves, not just the length of the QT interval, can suggest the presence of a QT syndrome. A notched T wave in the lateral precordial leads may be a tip off to LQTS even in the absence of overt QT prolongation.
1) any patient where a cardiologist has an index of suspicion for LQTS (intermediate or high probability score), or
2) an asymptomatic patient with no family history but an incidental ECG finding with a QTc >480 ms pre-puberty and >500 ms post-puberty that is confirmed on repeat ECG testing.
Genetic testing may be considered for individuals with an incidental QTc finding (repeated) of > 460 ms pre-puberty and >480 ms post-puberty.
Guidelines from the European Society of Cardiology for ECG interpretation in athletes define a QTc value of >440 ms in males and >460 ms in females (but <500 ms) as a ‘grey zone’ requiring further evaluation, and a QTc ≥500 ms, otherwise unexplained and regardless of family history and symptoms, as indicative of unequivocal LQTS.
Symptoms of HCM (autosomal dominant) include chest pain, syncope, and exercise intolerance, but for many persons the disease can be asymptomatic and SCD may be the clinical presentation of the disease. However, the reported prevalence of HCM in competitive athletes is apparently lower, approximately 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 1,500 athletes.
Over 90% of patients with HCM will have an abnormal ECG including T wave inversion, ST segment depression, pathologic Q waves, conduction delay, left axis deviation, and left atrial enlargement.
The isolated presence of high QRS voltages fulfilling voltage criterion for LVH is regarded as a normal finding in athletes related to physiologic increases in cardiac chamber size and/or wall thickness and does not in itself require additional evaluation.
Ventricular fibrillation and sudden death in patients with Brugada syndrome occurs more commonly during rest and sleep and is unrelated to exercise.
CPVT should be considered in any person who experiences syncope during exercise or extreme emotion, particularly in those who experience syncope during maximal exertion or have repeated episodes of syncope with exercise. CPVT cannot be diagnosed on the basis of a resting ECG, as the resting ECG is normal. An echocardiogram is also typically normal. As ventricular ectopy occurs only in the face of increased emotion or exercise, exercise stress testing is the key test in the evaluation CPVT. As exercise workload increases, there is typically an increase in the amount of ventricular ectopy which ultimately may result in polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (Figure 7).
HAP 5 - revisit CAP32, CAP25, CAP5
BMJ Learning
ECG interpretation in athletes
Abnormal ECG findings in athletes
Normal ECGs in athletes
ECGs in Athletes
ECG in a Marathon Runner
Junctional (nodal) rhythm: QRS rate is faster than the resting P wave rate which is slowed in athletes due to increased vagal tone. This is normal in a trained athlete.
Premature Ventricular Contractions: LBBB morphology suggests an origin from the right ventricle. The presence of 2 or more PVCs on a 10 second tracing is abnormal and requires additional testing.
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy:
Sokolow-Lyon voltage criterion: sum of the S wave in V1 and the R wave in V5 or V6 (using the largest R wave) as >3.5 mV (35 small squares with a standard amplification of the ECG at 10 mm/1 mV).
LVH in athletes is normal but other features in conjunction with it, like left atrial enlargement, left axis deviation, ST segment depression, T wave inversion, or pathologic Q waves, should raise the possibility of pathologic LVH and should prompt further evaluation.
Incomplete Right Bundle Branch Block: rSR’ pattern in V1 with QRS duration <120 ms is commonly present in athletes (12-32%.
May be easily confused with a Brugada pattern.
Early Repolarisation: 35-91% of trained athletes and is more prevalent in young males and black/Afro-Caribbean individuals. Late QRS slurring or notching with horizontal ST segment elevation in the inferolateral leads has been associated with an increased risk of arrhythmic death in one study of middle aged, non-athletic Finnish citizens. However, a significant percentage of young competitive athletes (25-30%) show early repolarisation with similar morphologic features in either the inferior or lateral leads.
Calculating the QTc
An accurate assessment of the QTc can be achieved by adhering to the following six principles.1. Bazett’s heart rate correction formula
(QTc = QT/√RR; note the RR interval is measured in seconds).
2. Bazett’s formula loses accuracy at slow heart rates and can underestimate the individual’s inherent QTc at heart rates <60 bpm, especially at heart rates <50 bpm.
3. In sinus arrhythmia calculate an average QT interval.
4. Identifying the end of the T wave properly.
5. It is incorrect to include the commonly seen low amplitude U wave in the QT calculation. Such U wave inclusion will inflate greatly the QTc. Instead, follow the “Teach-the-Tangent” or “Avoid-the-Tail” method as shown in Figure 4.

6. The morphology of the T waves, not just the length of the QT interval, can suggest the presence of a QT syndrome. A notched T wave in the lateral precordial leads may be a tip off to LQTS even in the absence of overt QT prolongation.
LQTS is estimated to affect 1 in 2000 individuals. SQTS is much less common affecting less than 1 in 10000 individuals.LQTS is the most common channelopathy responsible for about 15-20% of SUD and is diagnosed based on a combination of symptoms,
family history, electrocardiographic findings, and genetic testing. The
Schwartz-Moss score is used to invoke low, intermediate, and high
probability for LQTS.
Genetic testing is recommended for:1) any patient where a cardiologist has an index of suspicion for LQTS (intermediate or high probability score), or
2) an asymptomatic patient with no family history but an incidental ECG finding with a QTc >480 ms pre-puberty and >500 ms post-puberty that is confirmed on repeat ECG testing.
Genetic testing may be considered for individuals with an incidental QTc finding (repeated) of > 460 ms pre-puberty and >480 ms post-puberty.
Guidelines from the European Society of Cardiology for ECG interpretation in athletes define a QTc value of >440 ms in males and >460 ms in females (but <500 ms) as a ‘grey zone’ requiring further evaluation, and a QTc ≥500 ms, otherwise unexplained and regardless of family history and symptoms, as indicative of unequivocal LQTS.
When two premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) are recorded on a baseline (10 second) ECG, the likelihood is very high that the athlete has > 2,000 PVCs per 24 hours. In athletes with > 2,000 PVCs per 24 hours, underlying structural heart disease that may predispose to more life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias was found in 30% of cases.HOCM
Symptoms of HCM (autosomal dominant) include chest pain, syncope, and exercise intolerance, but for many persons the disease can be asymptomatic and SCD may be the clinical presentation of the disease. However, the reported prevalence of HCM in competitive athletes is apparently lower, approximately 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 1,500 athletes.
Over 90% of patients with HCM will have an abnormal ECG including T wave inversion, ST segment depression, pathologic Q waves, conduction delay, left axis deviation, and left atrial enlargement.
The isolated presence of high QRS voltages fulfilling voltage criterion for LVH is regarded as a normal finding in athletes related to physiologic increases in cardiac chamber size and/or wall thickness and does not in itself require additional evaluation.
Ventricular fibrillation and sudden death in patients with Brugada syndrome occurs more commonly during rest and sleep and is unrelated to exercise.
CPVT should be considered in any person who experiences syncope during exercise or extreme emotion, particularly in those who experience syncope during maximal exertion or have repeated episodes of syncope with exercise. CPVT cannot be diagnosed on the basis of a resting ECG, as the resting ECG is normal. An echocardiogram is also typically normal. As ventricular ectopy occurs only in the face of increased emotion or exercise, exercise stress testing is the key test in the evaluation CPVT. As exercise workload increases, there is typically an increase in the amount of ventricular ectopy which ultimately may result in polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (Figure 7).
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