Monday, 26 June 2017

Vision Loss

Retinal Haemorrhage
This presents with sudden onset of floaters. Signs are reduced red reflex, with visible clots of blood. They must be seen by ophthalmology as retinal detachment presents very similarly, and can cause haemorrhage, and ophthalmoscopy can be normal.

There are lots of things that cause retinal haemorrhage, including:
diabetes mellitus                                      hypertension
raised intracranial pressure                      trauma and retinal detachment
retinal vein thrombosis                            subarachnoid haemorrhage
arteritis (giant cell arteritis, PAN etc.)     severe anaemia, especially pernicious anaemia
bleeding diathesis - defects in platelets (particularly leukaemia), coagulation factors, vessels.

Retinal Artery Occlusion
Sudden, painless visual loss. Central vision may be preserved if a cilioretinal artery is present. If suspected, patients should have ocular massage, and IV acetazolamide (500mg) to help. Make sure you exclude a temporal arteritis.

Central Retinal Vein Occlusion
Pizza pie on fundoscopy - flame haemorrhages with cotton wool spots. The artery has a cherry red spot with a pale macula.  Treat the cause (HT, DM,chronic glaucoma, hyperviscosity) and give antiplatelet.

IV acetazolamide 500mg IV followed by 500mg PO (1g max in 24hours), topical antihypertensives (such as timolol drops) and miotics such as pilocarpine (1 drop in the affected eye), will reduce corneal oedema and lower intraocular pressure.

Subacute attacks
Subacute attacks with blurred vision, headache and pain around the eye, nausea and vomiting, and halos seen around lights, most commonly in the evening. They resolve spontaneously.

Non-traumatic Subconjunctival Haemorrhage
Exclude systemic causes - check BP, and coag if on anticoagulants.
Reassure patients - takes 2-3 weeks to heal

You get localised conjunctival injection. It is normally benign, but may be associated with rheumatological diseases like RA, sarcoidosis, and IBD. Patients complain of irritation. It is self-limiting, but normally gets ophthalmology review to ensure it is not uveitis. The redness disappears 5 minutes after phenylephrine instillation.

Scleritis is also an inflammatory condition, frequently associated with an underlying rheumatological disorder. Patients complain of a deep dull aching pain in the eye, that is often worse at night, and ocular movement. The engorgement persists even after phenylephrine drop instillation.

The majority of cases have the HLA B27 serotype (so associated with sarcoidosis, ankylosing spondylitis, and IBD) but can also occur with herpetic keratitis, and after surgery.

Patients present with a deep, boring pain worse on accommodation. There is perilimbal injecition, and the pupil may be irregular.

Acute ischaemic optic neuropathy
Acute ischaemic optic neuropathy is most commonly caused by giant cell arteritis. Vascular wall inflammation leads to eventual occlusion, causing infarction of the optic nerve. This should be recognised, and oral prednisolone started. 1mg/kg/day for four weeks seems pragmatic. As giant cell arteritis is the most common cause, temporal artery biopsies should be performed.

A non ischaemic neuropathy usually affects young women. Pain is worse on eye movement, and visual acuity is normally reduced. There may be a central scotoma. Make sure you exclude a space occupying lesion, and refer urgently to ophthalmology.

Corneal Abrasion
Eye pads do not speed up recovery, and may worsen things.
Dilating drops are no long recommended.
Topical corticosteroids have been shown to slow corneal epithelial and stromal healing, increase the risk of infection, and cause serious scarring and visual loss if a dendritic ulcer has been missed.

Topical antibiotics may reduce the risk of infective complications in patients with a corneal abrasion. In contact lens wearers an anti-pseudomonal antibiotic must be used.

Infective Conjunctivitis 
Role of antibiotics is controversial.
Always prescribe topical antibiotics:
  Purulent / mucopurulent secretion and patient discomfort and ocular redness
  Patients and staff in nursing homes, neonatal units, critical care units etc
  Children going to nursery
  Contact lens wearers

Ultraviolet Burns

Topical and oral analgesics may be used
A mydriatic (cyclopentolate) may be helpful for photophobia due to ciliary muscle spasm

CS Spray
Dispersed as a fine dust. Irrigation can worsen the symptoms as it's highly soluble in water. Place the patient in a room, and blow a fan across, making sure no cross contamination occurs.

History and Working out what happens
- Rapid is generally vascular or retinal detachment. Slower may be a space occupying lesion.
- Partial loss of vision must be differentiated between;
    a loss of part of the visual field e.g. quadrantopia, hemianopia or central scotoma
    a curtain coming down across the vision a typical description of a retinal detachment
    flashes usually due to retinal ischaemia
    floaters due to opacities in the vitreous after retinal detachment

Local anaesthetic may be needed. Cyclopentolate takes 15-30min to work, Tropicamide - takes 15-30min to work, Tetracaine = really stings

Distance from patient to the chart / lowest line patient can be seen
Finger counting, then hand motion, then light perception

Look for aniscoria (unequal pupils) - normal in 19%. Pathologically, may occur due to release of prostaglandins on the sphincter pupillae. No reaction to light may be due to an occulomotor nerve palsy. Asides from trauma and eye drops, causes are:
Oculomotor nerve palsy (dilated pupil)
Holmes-Adie syndrome (dilated pupil)
Horners syndrome (constricted pupil)
Argyll Robertson pupil (constricted pupil)

To do fundoscopy you  may need dilating drops. Tropicamide is good - very tiny risk of precipitating acute glaucoma.

Ongoing Referral
Post op Patients:-
Less than 2 weeks post op
         Moderate or severe pain / visual loss IMMEDIATE
         Mild pain, no visual loss WITHIN 24 HOURS, in clinic if possible
More than 2 weeks post op
         Moderate or severe pain/visual loss WITHIN 24 HOURS
         Mild pain, no visual loss NEXT AVAILABLE CONSULTANT CLINIC

Flashing lights/floaters:-
Less than 6 weeks history
         Loss of vision/ field defect IMMEDIATE
         No loss of vision WITHIN 24 HOURS
More than 6 weeks history
         Loss of vision/field defect WITHIN 24 HOURS
         No loss of vision/field defect CONSULTANT CLINIC

Trauma:-(including foreign body/abrasion,chemical)
Severe pain/risk of penetrating injury IMMEDIATE
Mild pain, including suspected foreign body WITHIN 24 HOURS

Sight loss or distortion
Sudden, less than 24 hours IMMEDIATE
              More than 24hours WITHIN 24 HOURS
Gradual, less than 2 weeks WITHIN 24 HOURS
              More than 2 weeks CONSULTANT CLINIC

Assess if FB or abrasion first, if so assess for trauma
If associated visual loss use to increase priority if indicated
Severe or moderate IMMEDIATE
Associated general malaise/jaw claudication IMMEDIATE
Mild, less than 2 weeks WITHIN 24 HOURS
More than 2 weeks CONSULTANT CLINIC

Redness or swelling
Assess any associated symptoms eg pain ,photophobia, sight loss first to increase priority if necessary. Associated general malaise or pyrexia IMMEDIATE
Less than 2 weeks WITHIN 24 HOURS
More than 2 weeks CONSULTANT CLINIC

Onset less than 2 weeks, pain and/or ptosis IMMEDIATE
                                        No pain/ptosis WITHIN 24 HOURS
Onset more than 2 weeks, ptosis and pain IMMEDIATE
                                          Ptosis/no pain WITHIN 24 HOURS

                                          No pain or ptosis CONSULTANT CLINIC

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Genital Ulcers

Genital Ulcers are specifically mentioned on our syllabus. They are more likely to be non sexually tramsitted than sexually transmitted (surprisingly!).

HSV1 is now the most common cause of genital herpes. HSV2 is more likely to result in recurrent episodes. The majority of infections are subclinical and symptomatic viral shedding, or symptomatic lesions can occur.

Get painful ulceration, dysuria, urethral or vaginal discharge. May get fever and myalgia. On examination, you get blistering and ulceration with painful lymphadenopathy.

Treat with a full sexual health screen, and oral aciclovir. Condoms won't reliably prevent transmission - abstain for a week after symptoms resolve.

Syphillis should be treated in specialist GUM clinics. It is more common in MSM. It normally presents with a painless ulcer, with a clean base. Secondary infection has multisystem involvement.

A systemic vasculitis of unknown aetiology (not considered to be auto-immune), that typically starts in young adults. You get recurrent oral and genital ulceration, uveitis, skin changes, arthritis, neuro involvement and tendency to thrombosis. It is prevalent in Japan, the middle East, and some Mediterranean countries. Treatment depends on which organ is involved.
Genital ulcers are less common than oral ulcers.

EBV, CMV and parathyphoid can cause post infective or reactive genital ulcers (lipschutz ulcers). They can be very painful, and associated with lymphadenopathy. They normally resolve within a few weeks. The ulcers normally have a yellowish centre, that may become black due to tissue necrosis, with a surrounding red rim. They may be associated with swelling.
Take viral and bacterial swabs. Look for underlying illness, and test for EBV. Treat according to the cause.

Steven-Johnson syndrome
Erythema multiforme


Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Penile Problems

Most penile problems are better evaluated if you have a nerve block in place.

Dorsal Penile Nerve Block
The two dorsal nerves are at 10 and 2 o'clock positions at the root of the penis.
Ramifications of these nerves usually commence 1 cm distal to the penile root, and a nerve block should be just proximal to those.
The depth of the needle need not be more than 0.25 to 0.5 cm.
Aim to hit the pubic symphysis, and then go below.

Check for diabetic control
Palpate the glans - and if there is a lump, refer urgently to urology
Consider a steroid cream - like betnovate

Remove a catheter or any piercings first
Start with analgesia - a nerve block might be helpful!

Manual Reduction - put pressure or a compression bandage on the distal penis
Sugar on glans and penis
Puncture oedematous band
After reduction, urology follow up as is likely to happen again!

Fracture of the Penis
Differential is rupture of the deep dorsal vein of the penis
- You don't hear a crack or popping sound
- Detumescence doesn't occur
- Needs to be surgically explored
- Can get urethral injury

Most of the time, this is primary (idiopathic) 40%

Secondary causes:
  Haematological   (sickle cell, leukaemia, myeloma)
  Neurologic    (spinal cord injury - leave these alone, time heals)
  Traumatic   (genital, perineal) 10%
  Neoplastic   (bladder, prostate)
  Medication   (antipsychotic like chlorpromazine and haloperidol   antidepressants like fluxetine, anticoagulation, recreational drugs like cocaine, intracavernosal injections)

  - analgesia
  - hydration
  - exercise (run up and down the stairs)
  - cold bath, or maybe a warm bath
  - therapeutic masturbation can help
  - involve urology team for drainage. This needs written consent - there is a high risk of associated impotence. It involves consent, cleaning, inserting a needing into the side of the penis to a depth of 1cm, take blood gas, then aspirate up to 100ml thick dark blood.


Saturday, 17 June 2017

Myocardial Infarction

ST Elevation 1mm in limb leads
ST elevation 2mm in chest leads
Posterior MI - Tall R waves in V1-V3 ST depression +/- T wave inversion
 plus CP within 10 hours

Diaphoresis is the strongest predictor of AMI, as is nausea and vomiting, and radiating to both shoulders.
Severity of pain is not associated with the likelihood of MI.

ECG Diagnosis

 II, III, aVF = inferior leads
   V1-V2 = septal leads (not V3, V4 as seen in some texts (see Zipes et al, 2004))
   V1-V6 = anterior leads

   I, aVL, V6 = lateral leads

Aspirin - inhibits platelet aggregation by inhibiting cyclo-oxygenase, and thus formation of thromboxane A2.

Clopidogrel - promotes formation of platelet c-AMP, lowering platelet calcium, and reducing platelet aggregation.

Ticagrelor - anti-platelet agent that is a useful alternative to clopidogrel.

Fondaparinux - factor Xa inhibitor that has less associated bleeding complications.

Right Ventricular Infarction
In 50% of patients with inferior myocardial infarction, the clinical triad of high central venous pressure, clear lung fields, and hypotension combined with right sided ECG changes is strongly suggestive of right ventricular infarction. Look for this carefully using a V4R which may confirm ST elevation, and do an echo.
This is treated by maintaining right ventricular preload, so drugs that reduce preload (nitrates and opiates) should be avoided. Fluid challenge is important, with careful monitoring.

A protein, involved in muscle contraction. Very cardiospecific, with little crossover into skeletal muscle. In renal failure, troponin just isn't cleared as quickly, so can be falsely high. With a roche or abbot high sensitivity troponin - normal at arrival and three hours = rule out ischaemia.
Troponin peaks within 12 - 24 hours, and remains elevated for about two weeks.

Remember troponin is normal in unstable angina

Cocaine Associated
Cocaine causes a sympathomimetic response, with increase in heart rate and blood pressure. It can cause acute thrombosis of the coronary artery - this is probably due to more than an increase in platelet count and activation.
Make sure you rule out aortic dissection as well, and “crack lung,” -  hypoxemia, hemoptysis,
respiratory failure, and diffuse pulmonary infiltrates. Also, think about MI if patient presents with dyspnoea or diaphoresis.

Troponin is still very useful, and about two thirds of MI events occurred within 3 hours of cocaine ingestion. ECGs are abnormal in 56 - 84% of patients, although this may be early repolarisation mis-interpreted.

Treat as per normal ACS, but make sure you give early benzodiazepines. GTN might still help. Beta blockers are probably safe.
